Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Street Fighter X Tekken Full Roster Today!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Hawken Closed Beta

Sign up HERE for the Hawken Closed beta.
In addition to that here's a new live action trailer for the free to play mech game. Seem like Halo there's going to be web series to go along with the game.

Friday, July 27, 2012

A Realm Reborn Trailer and website

Final Fantasy unveils its newest online chapter in the series with a new trailer full of 'bay'sploions along with their website at the end. Actually what comes as a surprise to me is the Coming Soon statement at the end. I mean how soon could this be and why have they been keeping it secret until now?
My only guess is probably so it doesn't take attention away from their tech demo at E3.

Anyways enjoy the trailer!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Street Fighter X Tekken DLC Early Release!

I know we hate Capcom for doing this and we're still getting shafted by still having to purchase it but for those who are waiting for the complete roster of SFXT we don't have to wait much longer! By the end of this month we will be getting all the characters.

That's right. July 31st!!

If you've been around the net and youtube you've probably already seen these characters in action already but if you haven't here's a look at them.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Battlefield 4 Announced!!

If you head over to EA's website you'll notice in a large font at the bottom


Friday, July 13, 2012

Halo web series looks pretty damm good!

Check out the Halo web series that will run in conjuncture with the game.

Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn

Video from Machinima Prime

New INJUSTICE trailer from SDCC!!

OOOOOH MY GAWD!!.....Get your super hero fix off this new Injustice trailer from Comic Con.
I'm not gonna lie. I was on the fence before but this just hyped me up for the game!!

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Steam Summer Sale is finally LIVE!...well....sorta....maybe in a coma. It's up but it's under soo much traffic and their severs are overloaded.

Check out the store here http://store.steampowered.com/

But this is what you'll likely see if you go there.


The Steam Store is experiencing some heave load right now. Please try again later. "

If you do make it in there are some great deals up to 88% on packages.


Looks like the store is A-Ok now. So go now and may the savings be with you!

Skyrim Rap

This is for all the Skyrim peeps out there. I was actually blown away with how awesome all the game references are...sooo good...hahaha. Can't stop listening to it.

More about the XBOX 720 patent leak

IGN's got the scoop and everything you need to know about the leak.

Check it out all the XBOX 720 goodness here

To summarize it looks like there's going to be a new version Kinect that can see the room better without moving around furniture with an HD camera with the ability to track 4 players. There will be a blu-ray drive because obviously HD-DVD failed big time. There will also be a dedicated processor for multimedia stuff  such as Smart Glass.

Sounds interesting. Can't wait for the reveal. Hopefully next E3.

Street Fighter X Tekken episodes

Always love the rendering and animation shorts from Capcom. There have been some episodes for the upcoming Street Fighter X Tekken characters available on the ps vita. Not sure if there's going to be any more but here's all 3.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Acid is super effective on Pikachu!

For some fun. Check out some Pokemon parodies.


Final Fantasy VII in HD!!

Actually, Final Fantasy VII is going to be re-released on the PC. Sorry it's not the HD remodeled remake that we all wished for but it's something.

Another thing to note is that Square Enix has mentioned something of a Character Booster. Still not sure what it is but what do know is that it will definitely not be micro-transactions.

Anyways here's the FF7 we all hoped for from the tech demo they gave us back in 2006:

Monday, July 9, 2012

Of Orcs and Men trailers

I've seen a few postings of trailers of this game through some sites and didn't really pay much attention to it thinking it was blood bowl or something. Anyways I took a look at the summer trailer and it has peaked my interest to follow up more on it. Here we take up arms as an orc and goblin to defend against the human race.

Friday, July 6, 2012

The Real Dragonborn

Found from geeksaresexy.net who shared a fun live action Skyrim vid created by Rizen Visual.

Retro Mario with a Twist

Here are a few classic Mario games that will keep you busy if you've got no where to go this weekend. Especially since it looks like it might rain tomorrow.

Super Mario Bros Crossover
What these guys came up with at explodingrabbit.com was something quite interesting and fun. At first I thought it was just a video someone was making with sprites, which many people have done through the ages, but NO! Mario Crossover is an actual playable game which surprised and excited me. Basically it's playing through Mario but with other classic characters and its incredibly fun. You'll want to play it over and over trying out all the characters.

Here's a little trailer from machinema to get you excited.

The next Mario iteration takes on Portal. Not really much to say except if you love Portal and Mario then this one's a no brainier download. Oh and you can play with 2 players. How awesome is that!

Here's two trailers because the co-op really needs to be shown off more. Hahaha.

Excited yet? Click the links below to play these gems NOW.

Mario Crossover 2


Wednesday, July 4, 2012

DayZ Emulating Life. . .or Movies/TV

Arma 2 a game on Steam has been picking up a lot more traffic since the release of a mod called DayZ.
If you already have Arma 2 you can acquire the mod for DayZ here at dayzmod.com

This mod came out around the perfect time just before The Walking Dead's second half of season 2. As you might have guessing this mod takes place during a zombie apocalypse in a post soviet-state. It's an open world game that's around 225km squared. One of the biggest things about this game is that it has PERMADEATH! That's right. When your character dies, it's dead! Permanently! Everything you gained and found is lost. Not to mention ammo and weapons are scarce. You'll have to start a brand new player spawn somewhere in the world again. Knowing this you'll probably get attach to your player and be very careful then how you would play other games.

Now that intro to the game is out of the way, lets get into what I really wanted to talk about.